Top 10 Serious Effect of Drinking Coffee After Waking Up Early Morning

Ohid Tarafdar


Coffee is generally good for the body. The caffeine in coffee has many benefits. But coffee on an empty stomach is dangerous for the body. And if it is black coffee, then the amount of damage increases several times. 

Coffee has quite a companion. Black By pronouncing coffee, moka, latte, etc., one feels like a king. Many people wake up in the morning without drinking a cup of black coffee and the day does not start well. Some people think that without drinking coffee, the mind does not open or the body does not have enough energy.  

Drinking coffee immediately after waking up increases cholesterol levels. Not only that, due to various processes going on in the body during the night, excess acid is secreted in the stomach. In this condition, if you drink coffee on an empty stomach, you may experience nausea, vomiting, and blood sugar increases to a large extent and there is a risk of heart problems. Therefore, it is wise to drink coffee at any time of the day when the cholesterol level in the body is low. That is, from 9 am to 11 am i.e. the ideal time to have coffee after breakfast. But it is better to avoid coffee after lunch or dinner. It disturbs night sleep. 


Now let's discuss what problems can happen to the body if you drink coffee in the morning.

1) Not good for the heart: Some studies have shown that caffeine slows blood flow in the arteries that supply the heart. Especially when needed more, eg during exercise. Moreover, excess caffeine in the body is also responsible for palpitations, irregular heartbeat or high blood pressure.

2)Sleep Disturbance: One thing many people know, drinking tea or coffee causes less sleep. Studies have shown that those who drink more than three cups of coffee a day rarely get restful sleep. Another study found that coffee drinkers slept 79 minutes less than non-coffee drinkers. So say no to coffee if you have trouble sleeping.

3) Love with sugar: Although many people drink coffee without sugar. However, coffee, cakes, biscuits or many breakfast items contain sugar. All in all, maybe 11 tablespoons of sugar are being consumed throughout the day. So those who are trying to lose weight, their efforts will fail.

4) Bad for mood: Caffeine increases the body's level of a hormone called adrenaline. Because of this, tension in the body increases the level of feeling of excitement or nervousness.

5) Inability to conceive: Consuming more than five cups of coffee per day can reduce the ability to conceive. If you want to become a mother, you must reduce the amount of coffee. And avoid coffee after conception. Because if 200 mg of caffeine goes into the body daily, there is a possibility of miscarriage as well as damage to the baby in the womb.

6) Coffee contains laxatives, which help your stomach problems. If you ever find that food is not being digested then you know it is because of coffee. So coffee consumption needs to be ccontrol.

7) I am not the one who always gets energy by drinking coffee. Coffee will cause your body to release androgen hormones that can make you feel nauseous and make your hands and feet tremble. If you have this problem, stop drinking coffee immediately.

8) Many times we study or study at night. I drink a cup of coffee before going to sleep. This can cause us to fall asleep late or wake up in the middle of the night.

Apart from the above problems, coffee also has many benefits for our body but they are very temporary satisfaction.

Benefits of drinking coffee:

Sports performance: Caffeinated coffee boosts sports performance. Although it increases the heart rate, coffee also creates energy and enthusiasm in the body. So drinking coffee before any game brings different energy to the body.

Boosts mental energy: Studies have shown that during times of stress, 200 mg of caffeine increases alertness. On the other hand, evidence has been found that caffeine is a particularly beneficial substance in Alzheimer's disease.

Reduces the risk of disease: Any type of coffee, with or without caffeine, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Coffee has also been shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers.

Cholesterol: Alcohol consumption and obesity increase the amount of fatty deposits in the liver. Liver cirrhosis can be caused by excess fat in the liver along with pain. Some studies have shown that caffeine can sometimes play an effective role in reducing liver fat.

Pleasure: Honestly, the smell of coffee gives you a lot of energy. And it doesn't take long to get rid of depression when you drink coffee in your stomach.

 According to Australian neuroscience experts, those suffering from hormonal problems should avoid coffee.

According to them, the caffeine in coffee interferes with the secretion of certain hormones. This results in various complex problems in the body


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